How to Prepare for Gate exam 2021 basic electrical engineering by charles k alexander fundamentals electric circuits basic electrical engineering by nagrath and kothari

HOW TO PREPARE FOR GATE EXAM 2021 ECE AND CSE Preparation Syllabus, Books and Without Coaching.!

Books charles k alexander fundamentals electric circuits basic electrical engineering by nagrath and kothari.. 

how to prepare4 gate exam 2020

Engineering Mathematics : Electrical Engineering Department has a lot of weight for engineering mathematics in gate exam.  Mathematics is essential not only at the gate but also in other competitive exams.  Engineering Mathematics is one of the subjects that every student must learn.  It is easy to understand the selected Branch subjects only if you have a grip on it.  Mathematics applications are very useful in every subject.  Maths are practiced so branch subjects can be completed easily.  10-15 marks in the gate exam.  - Important Items: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Calculus of Complex Functions, FT, LT, ZT, Numerical Methods - Books: Higher Engineering Mathematics - Dr.  BS Grewal
General aptitude: Electrical Engineering Department will get 15 marks from General Aptitude at Gate.  A thorough study of the subject can also score higher marks in GATE and other competitive exams.  Learning aptitude and reasoning increases logical thinking.  The aptitude should be considered to be of much use to itself rather than reading for marks in an exam.  So all the marks can be easily achieved if you learn how to aptitude.  - Books: Quantitative Aptitude - RS Agarwal - Verbal and Nonverbal Reasoning - RS Agarwal.
Important aspects: Blood Relations, Seating Arrangement, Profit and Share, Age and Numbers, Pie Chart, Bar Graph Problems
Networks : Networks are one of the important subjects in the field of electrical engineering.  8-12 marks from this subject in the gate.  If you have a good understanding of the elements involved and practice most of the problems you can easily achieve marks.  In order to learn machines and power systems, you must first understand all the concepts of the networks.  - Gate, along with ESE, ISRO, BARK, JENCO, TRANSCO, SPDCL and NPDCL will get more marks from this subject.
GATE EXAM SYLLABUS: Basic Concepts - Nodal Analysis, Mesh Analysis, Source Transformations - Network Theories - Super Position, Thevins, Nortons, Maximum Power Transfer, Reciprocity - Transient and Study State Analysis - TWO port network

GATE EXAM PREPARATION BOOKS: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits - Charles K. Alexander, Matthew NO Sadiku - Circuit Theory Analysis & Synthesis - A Chakrabarti - Engineering Circuit Analysis - William H. Hyatt

Analog Electronics :This is one of the important subjects in electrical engineering.  It is possible to get about 10 marks.  Most analog electronics should not be neglected as their main subject.  But in competitive exams, electrical engineering students are asking questions from this subject for more marks.  So if you have a good understanding of the syllabus and have a good reading, you can score more.  However, EDC is easier to read than analog electronics.
The main elements: Deod, Transistor, FET, Mass FET, Generic Diode, Amplifiers, Oscillators, OP-Amplifier Circuits, 555 Timers
Reference Books: Micro Electronic Circuits -Sedra / Smith -Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory - Robert L Boylestad
Digital Electronics and Micro Processes: This is a subject that is likely to score more marks.  This is easily understood.  The GATE exam will take about 10 marks from this subject.
Important aspects: Boolean algebra and logic gates -Ccombinational logic circuits -Seauential logic circuits- Slipslops, Counters, Shist registers -ADC & DAC computers -8085 Micro Procersors
Preparation Books: Digital Fundamentals- Thomas L. Floyd -Digital Design-M.Morris mano
Electromagnetic Fields : This subject is very important for Electrical Engineering.  However, this is a difficult subject and most people do not give it time.  But understanding this subject can easily make marks.  You can score higher if you practice the questions asked in GATE and ESE past exams.  Understanding the basics of this subject can only be accomplished quickly by the main subjects of electrical engineering such as machines and power systems.  - This subject gets 8 to 10 marks in the GATE exam.
Important aspects of the syllabus: Electromagnetics Basics, Static Electric Fields, Static Magnetic Fields, Types of Materials
Books to read: Elements of Electromagnetics - Mathew N O Sadiku - Engineering Electromagnetics - William H Hayt, JP
Signals and Systems : Understanding the elements of this can easily increase the score.  So the student needs to understand the concept and practice it well.  The exam is about 10 marks from this subject.
Important in the syllabus: LTJ Systems, Fourier Series, Fourier Transform, Laplace Transform, Z-Transform, DFT, FFT
Gate exam preparation books: Signals and Systems-Alan V Oppenheim -Digital Signal Processing-Sanjit K mitra -Signals and Systems-Simon Haykin

Machines : Transformers: This is an important role in machine power systems.  It comes with questions from the Static Machine Construction Principle, Performers, 3 & Transformer, Auto Transformer.  Understanding the Hormorics in the transformer is essential.  2) Induction Machines: 3 & questions from the induction motor.  This should increase the awareness of the Speed ​​Power and Torque Equations and the Rotating Machine that work on the transformer principle.  So that speed control can be solved.  Questions about both power electronics and speed control come up.
Synchronous Machines: This machine is the most important in the generating station.  This includes the above question on Principle and Performance.  Connect with the synchronous machine and power system and practice questions.
DC Machine : It consists of both generator and motor.  Practice heavily on DC motors.  There are questions on DC motors speed control.
Reference Books: Electrical Machines- D.P.Kothri, I.J.Nagrath -Electrical Machines- P.S.  Bhimbra -Electrical Machines- M.G Say
Power Systems : PowerSystem is one of the most important subjects in Electrical Engineering.  From this, the GATE and EEE exams will take about 12 marks.  So students can easily score marks if they practice with the right planning, understanding of the syllabus, and shaping the material.
Important aspects of the syllabus: Generation, Transmission & Distribution, PowerSystem Analysis- Power Flow Studies, Fault Analysis, Stability, Economic Load Dispatch
Reference Books: 1. Power Systems - CL Wadhwa 2. Power Systems - JB Gupta 3. Power Systems Analysis - Nagrat Kothari 4. Power Systems - Sony, Gupta, Bhatnagar
Control Systems :This is one of the important subjects in Electrical Engineering.  From this subject, you will be asked questions in GATE as well as competitive exams such as ESE, ISRO, Jenco, Transco, NPDCL and SPDCL.  Therefore, understanding the subject and practicing the problems can be easily achieved.  Mathematics knowledge is required, however, along with subject knowledge.  8-12 marks from this subject in Gate.
Important aspects of the syllabus:Basics in Control Systems - Types of Feedback, Feedback Effects, Signal Flowgrades, Reduction of Multiple Subsystems - Time Response Analysis, Frequency Response Analysis, Stability - RH Criteria, Polar Plot, Bodily Platform
Books to read: Control Systems Engineering-Norman S Nise -Modern Control Engineering-Katsuhiko ogata -Control Systems Engineering-IJ Nagrath, M Gopal
Power Electronics : EEE, GATE exam will get 10 marks from this subject.  Power Electronics Device, Electrical Circuits Basic Knowledge.
Preparation Books: Power Electronics- P.S.  Bhimtra
Electrical Measurements : 5 marks from this subject.  Most of the questions are on Construction, Principles, Working and Applications.  Raise awareness on electrical circuits and emergency conversion so that questions can be solved on Measurements and Instruments.
Books to read: Instructions and Measurements - AK satiwarney and Sawhany -Golding, EW, electrical measurrments and measuring insruments.

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1. Starting of Registration 3rd September 2019
2. Last date of registration 24th September 2019
3. Extended closing date for submission ONLINE application October 2019
4. Application correction window open 4th week Nov 2020
5. Availability of Mock test November 2019
6. Downloading Hall Ticket 3rd Jan 2020
7. Gate Exam 1st, 2nd, 8th, 9th Feb 2020
8. Release of Answer Key Feb 2020
9. Resuts 16th March 2020
10. Release of Score Card 20th March 2020
11. Starting of Counselling from 1st week of April 2020
Basic electrical engineering, booka of the month, problem set and linear circuits.