Nabard recruitment 2019 Development assistant apply online National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) in Mumbai is inviting applications from the eligible candidates for the replacement of vacant development assistant posts.

Name of the Post: Development Assistant

  • Development Assistant - 82,
  • Development Assistant (Hindi) - 9  

Passed Bachelor's Degree with Hindi Optional subject for Development Assistant (Hindi) posts. 


Must be between 18 to 35 years by September 1, 2019.  Three years for OBCs, 5 years for SC / STs, and 10 years for PHCs are relaxed in the age limit.

Pay Scale:

●Approximately Rs.  31,000/-
● Application Fee: Rs. 450/- for General / OBCs, SC/ST/PHC Rs.50/ -

Selection Method: - Preliminary and Main Examination - Preliminary Writing will be awarded 100 marks from the Test of English Language, Test of Numerical Ability and Test of Reasoning.  Complete in 60 minutes.  - 200 marks from the Test of Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, Computer Knowledge and Test of English Language in Main Writing.

●  Application: Online.
● Last: October 2
● Website:


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