Mini Job Mela in Hyderabad will be held on Friday 10th Jan 2020 to provide employment opportunities for unemployed Youths & Young people in the private sector," said OSMANIA UNIVERSITY Employment Information and Guidance Bureau, Deputy Chief Officer of the MOD Carrier Center. Job mela Hyd.
1000 Post's in Major Private Companies such as: Apollo Pharmacy, Calit HR, BioCare Medical Systems, Hinduja Global Private Limited, Vegarias Solutions, IDBI Federal LIC Ltd, Sunflower Sales Distributions and PayTM.
Educational Qualifications: Candidates who have studied Tenth Class, Intermediate, ITI, Diploma, Degree, BTech, PG, MBA, Bee Pharmacy, D Pharmacy and M.Pharmacy are eligible.
Salary: Those selected for interviews are paid salaries ranging from ₹10,000 to ₹20,000.Age: Candidates age 19-35 years old are eligible