Target SBI Clerk - 2021 SBI is the top bank in India. Job is regarded as prestigious and prestigious. So there are millions of candidates waiting for the SBI column (Clerk / PO). SBI has issued a notification for them with 8,301 clerical columns. These posts, known as Clerical Posts or Junior Associate (Customer Support and Sales). In this background, we will look at how to prepare for this exam, the test method and the prep plan.
Notification Details
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According to the latest SBI Clerk Notification, the selection of candidates will be in two phases. They are prelims, mains. These tests are performed separately. Main exams will be held on April 19, if prelims are in February / March. Candidates will be able to prep accordingly, as the dates for these exams are announced in advance. Sections wise time is allocated for these exams. Candidates should complete each section within the stipulated time. So prep should be done offline as well as online. This is called SmartStudy. Because the tests are conducted online, it is advisable for candidates to write as many online tests as possible.
SBI Clerk Exam Pattern
1. Prelims: This is the first step. Prelims consist of 100 questions with 100 marks of objective type. 2. Main Examination: This is the second and final stage. It contains 190 questions for a total of 200 marks. - Prelims pass test only. This includes qualifying the main exam by passing each section. These marks are not considered in the final list selection. But the syllabus and the elements are the same in the two stages. But the hardness of the questions changes. So you have to first put emphasis on the subjects and practice to get a high score. Both prelims / mains must be thoroughly prepared. -Priliminary testing is crucial. It can also be thought of as the aeration phase. 90% of the candidates are flown here. So, with a good plan, we should focus more on the flexible chapter. It consists of all three subjects. 0.25 marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer. In order to pass it, you have to get a hold of the weightage chapter in each section. The job depends on the marks achieved in the mains exam. So this section should be practiced in conjunction with the Preliminary. This includes all 5.

It also includes 0.25 marks for every wrong answer. - There will also be time for queries in this section. Each section can be completed in due course. Also focus on weighting chapter. Questions are high in Main. Most of the prelims ask questions on Basics and Numerical Abilities, but only Advanced Questions in Main. Basic Advanced Models should be identified and practiced from a single chapter. Chapter Vice should focus on content in sections. First of all, if you understand your abilities and identify the easiest questions and complete them first, you will be able to complete the questions as per management. - Last Document Verification Step. This includes examining language proficiency Rs. However, this section will not be available for those who have studied in the State Language Tenth and Inter. Certificates only have verification.
SBI Clerk Preparation Books to read:
Cants, Arithmetic - RS Agarwal, S Chand Publishers - Speed Maths - M Tyra - Objective Arithmetic - Rajesh Verma Reasoning - RSS Agarwal - Rational Non-Verbal -
English for SBI Exam
Objective General English - SP Bakshi - General English for All Competitive Exams - SC Gupta - Word Power Made Easy - Norman Lewis Computer Knowledge - Objective Computer Awareness.
Prepare by subject for SBI Clerk 2021: A thorough understanding of the candidate syllabus -English Language is a common subject in two categories. Common chapters including prelims and main should be read and read. The questions range from reading comprehension (10-15), paragraphs (5), closed test (8-10), error spotting (5), to Phil Indy Blanks (5). To get a grip on this subject, candidates should read English daily magazines and focus on Vocabulary and Speed Reading. You have to learn 20-25 new English words every day. Listening to news in English and reading books is helpful. To get good marks in English, you need to focus more on selective chapters. You should read past question papers and model papers. - Quantitative Aptitude: This is a section that tests the candidates' mathematical knowledge and punctuality. Prelims 35, Main will get 50 questions. Based on previous questionnaires, over the past 3 and 4 years, austerity and critical questions have been increasing. Candidates are very good at basics and can make difficult questions in exams just as easy. - In this section, 60% questions are asked from chapters such as Numerical Abilities (5-10), Number Series (5) Algebra (5) and Data Interpretations (10-15). 1-2 questions are asked from Common Chapters. They should be well studied such as percentage-ratios, average-profit losses, period-work, wheel-bar interest, mensuration and probability. Usually, SBI clerk and peo exams raise more questions about data interpretations. In order to get good marks in prelims and mains, you need to practice all kinds from this chapter. There is a good chance that 50 minutes in Main is a 45 minute duration. If you choose a topic that gets high marks in a short time, you can get good marks. Reasoning Abilities: The Reasoning section specializes in bank examinations. Content-based questions are asked at a high level. Those who have a strong hold on the English language are likely to get good marks in this section. This means that there will be plenty of content questions from chapters like Seating Arrangement, Puzzles, Analysis, Classifications, Direction and Blood Relations. But if you take a look at the basics, you can get maximum marks from this section. If you want to score more marks in a short period of time, select chapters that seem easy and salvage. Then the seating arrangement and the puzzles should be salvaged. - This includes Seating Arrangement (10), Puzzles (5), Coding-Decoding (5), Analysis (2), Series (2), Blood Relations (2-3), Coded Inequalities (5), Syllogism (4-5), From Prelims to Ranking (2-3) questions, Statement based questions can also come up in Mains such as Statements and Conclusions, Arguments, Input-Output, Course of Action etc. The reasoning subject is useful for good scoring. So students should practice this section for 3-4 hours every day. -Computer Knowledge: This is the only section on Main. Within the Reasoning section there are 10-15 questions that may be asked from this section. -In addition to the fundamentals of computer, it should focus on the use of various processors, software, mobile apps, digital portals, new viruses, user softwares, technology impact-bit coin system, digital currency, digital-marketing, ATM network. To get a grip on this section, past papers and model papers should be well practiced. -General / Financial Awareness: This is a section that is only asked in the Main. 50 questions for 50 marks. Here you will test your knowledge on banking, economy and current affairs. 45-50 questions in 35 minutes is a salvable subject so it can be used to increase scoring in Main. - General Knowledge Topics should be read in conjunction with the Economy and Banking Sectors. The current 6 months of current affairs is sufficient. One should read English newspapers and JK monthly papers. Budget (2020), Economic Survey (2019-20), Niti Aayog, Banking Policy, RBI Key Policy Rates, Establishment of New Banks, Mergers of Public Sector Banks, Mobile Banking Services, Implementation of Central and State Government Schemes by Banks 14th and 15th Finance Commission, GST Rates, Inflation, Unemployment, Poverty and Central Schemes Avaposana mikaranga development should go well. - Individuals, Organizations, Awards, Important Days, Current Committees, Sports, National and International Issues for Current Affairs, State of Jammu & Kashmir-Ladakh Union Territory, CAA, NRC, NPR, Single Use Plastic, Dispute Resolution, CDS-2, Chandra, 3, Indian Forest Report -2019, Maharashtra and Jharkhand State Elections.